Thursday, March 27, 2008

*** Class Readings ***

For each class the students will be required to complete the assigned readings. These readings will be available on line for a period of one week before the class. After that time, they will be removed for copyright purposes. The readings can be found at:

For the first class on April 04, 2008 each participant should complete the following readings, and be prepared to discuss them in class:

Richard Lewontin, "A Science as Social Action" from Biology as Ideology the Doctrine of DNA. Anansi Press: Concord. 1991 pp 81-97

Gessert, George. “Notes sur l’art de la selection végétale” in L'art biotech’., Jens Hauser, ed. (Nantes, France : Le Lieu Unique, 2003), p. 47 Catalogue from the exhibition L'art biotech’ (authors’ english version).

Latour, Bruno and Steve Woolgar, "An Anthropologist Visits The Laboratory" from Laboratory Life: the construction of scientific facts. (second edition, enlarged) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986.

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