Wednesday, April 23, 2008

InsideOut: Laboratory Ecologies

Hello all.

That was a great class last week. Thank you to Dr. Alia for her lecture and tour of the SSNMR Research group at The University of Leiden. For more information you are welcome to go to their website:

Last week we also discussed committees for the final class project. There is a lits of committees below, please sign up for at least one.



Location scouting

Tent(s) Purchase and redesign committee

Props, scientific equipment, and TOYS (find online/or at science stores) digital microscope, dna extraction kit, sea monkeys, DNA Wizard) (Picnic blankets, baskets, a pig's head, anatomical
models, etc…)

FOOD committee (BBQ?)

Animal committee, including living enclosure for birds

Costumes! (everyone is responsible for their own costumes. Please confirm with me in advance.)


monica said...

Sorry I am not able to edit the post and add my name!shame on me. Anyway I would like to confirm me and Manon for tents' committe.

Eveleen said...

hello, I don't think I'm able to edit this post either? Anyway I would like to add myself to the 'props' committee.

London Bird said...

hey, I'd like to be part of the food committee..

Sonja van Kerkhoff said...

no, you can only edit posts you create yourself...

I'm happy to help with the scouting for locations, but I need to know more about what is required, dates, what is possible (payment?/hire) and who has already been asked.

akallerg said...

I'm up to the props committee